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Mobula serves as a specialized data layer that offers Octoflow, a powerful system designed to stream any on-chain action, including events, traces, transactions, and blocks. This provision enables unparalleled access and analytics, equipping users with precise insights for informed decision-making.


At the heart of Mobula's innovative offerings, Octoflow stands as a groundbreaking system designed to capture and stream a wide array of on-chain activities, from transactions and blocks to events and traces. This cutting-edge technology enables users to access real-time blockchain data, ensuring comprehensive analytics and the extraction of actionable insights. Octoflow’s advanced capabilities democratize the analysis of blockchain events, making it accessible for users to conduct detailed investigations and derive strategic advantages. Octoflow equips users with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of the blockchain with confidence and precision.

Get started​

To leverage on-chain insights through advanced data indexing technology, consider using Mobula's Octoflow.

Create a room with Mobula core team here

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